Saturday 1 August 2015

Game On!

My Mam and Dad took me to the Life Centre in Newcastle for my birthday, to see an exhibition called Game On, which was a history of computer games. We also went in the Planetarium, the Spongebob 4D Motion Ride, the Things That Spin science show, we extracted some DNA from wheatgerm, and while Mam helped some scientists with their research into a new machine that will rehabilitate astronauts' back muscles when they return from space, I did some training like proper astronauts do. We had an amazing day!

The Big Sing

My group Boyznoise and my friends' group Girlsaloud performed at the Sage, Gateshead in July in 'The Big Sing' with many other school choirs from across the North-East. We gave a sneak preview of the performance for our parents at the school a few days before the big show.

Sports Day

Wednesday 3 June 2015